Studies show when your employees are healthy and happy, your organization will be more profitable. Implementing a variety of Worksite wellness strategies helps keep your employees productive and effective at work with reduced absence.
Our Stretch-Time Program is just what your employees need to get moving and invigorated throughout the day. Designed (and instructed) by a Physical Therapist, this 12 minute program addresses the cardio-vascular and musculoskeletal system from head to toe. It also provides employees with valuable self-care advice to manage mild musculoskeletal discomfort often experienced as a result of day to day activities and aging.
Our Safe Work Practices educational materials help employees to better understand safe and unsafe work postures while providing your supervisor’s performance- based documentation. Formulated from over two decades of observing employees at work, these interactive lists help your employees understand the dos and don’ts of how to work safely and develop better work habits. Available for Office, Material Handling and Lab environments and can be customized specific to any job.
We model our wellness program after the CDC’s Work@Health Program. We’ll provide training and support to you and your wellness team to help you launch and manage your program to achieve a healthier and happier workforce.