Worksite International Blog


The Most Popular Ergonomics Certificates and Certification Courses

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on May 13, 2024

Nowadays its critical employers focus on employee health, safety, and well-being more than ever. The cultural shift to ensure employees are working well has never been a higher priority. To that end, the science of ergonomics is proven to help promote better performance, health, and well-being for employees, making a positive impact on organizations. But who is your organization's designated ergonomics specialist? And are they certified to perform at the level you need them to? 

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To Footrest or Not to Footrest?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on March 7, 2023

The use of a footrest is often an optional add-on for a seated or standing workstation. Many employers are in a quandary as to whether to provide this curious device. And many employees don’t recognize when they could use one or even how to use one when placed under the workstation. 

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Top 10 Pandemic Predictions for Workplace Ergonomics in 2022 and How to Prove Them Wrong

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 5, 2022

What the Experts Say

The pandemic is unfortunately here to stay for at least two more years says Toolie Garner, a remote leadership expert. Toolie and I spoke recently where she indicated it will literally take the entire world getting vaccinated before the pandemic slows. New variants will continue to emerge and air travel makes it easy for the virus variants to spread globally.

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20 Questions to Prepare Your In-House Ergonomic Evaluator(s) for Success

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on December 16, 2019

Every employer has employees exposed to ergonomic risk factors in the workplace. Whether it is repetitive motion, awkward postures or forceful exertion, all employees face these primary risk factors. These are the most common precursors to a work injury.

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Should Ergonomics Training Be Mandatory or Voluntary?

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on October 3, 2019

Training is an investment in your employees, your most critical asset and provides an opportunity to truly enhance performance, knowledge, and skills. Choosing to make it voluntary or mandatory is important in experiencing the desired outcome. Employers most often choose to offer ergonomics training on a voluntary basis rather than making it mandatory. When training is voluntary, it diminishes the importance and makes it optional. By doing so, the message is clear, “You don’t really need this; we are offering this because we think we should."

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Employer’s Guide to Developing a Sit-Stand Workstation Policy

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 18, 2019

Many employers ask whether they must provide sit to stand workstations when employees request them. Employers are confused about how to be fair across the board concerning the implementation of these adjustable solutions. We have all seen it… provide for one employee and suddenly, it’s contagious and they all want it… whether it will benefit them or not. What is often lacking is a clearly defined policy and procedure for providing sit to stand workstations. Having a policy and procedure gives employers and employees structure, control and a fair-minded approach to this popular workplace solution.

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How the Quality of Internal Ergonomic Practices Impact Organizations

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on March 25, 2019

According to Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the father of quality, as quality improves, costs go down and productivity increases. Quality and productivity can be continually improved for better profitability. These are the same drivers that steer a company towards improving their workers’ compensation management and ergonomics process.

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Sit-Stand Workstation Recommendations From the Experts

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on October 4, 2018

This past August, I presented my Chair Assessment Model at the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) Florence, Italy. Over 1700 ergonomists, most of whom were professors and academic researchers from more than 35 countries, were in attendance. This year’s theme was “Creativity in Practice”, the challenge of transforming the experimental, field research, and evaluation processes into the daily practices of the ever-changing working and living organizations. There was an over-abundance of lectures highlighting the latest research in ergonomics and human factors.

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The Future of Productivity: New Ways of Working for a New Year

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on January 17, 2017

We made it to 2017… of course! But what’s in store for us in the business world in the coming months? Just a few developments, predictions and trends come to mind:

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If you can’t measure it, you can’t quantify it, therefore you are guessing!

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 9, 2016

The purchase and implementation of your ergonomic chairs shouldn’t be a guess! Yet, I’ve seen over and over how many employers seem to do just that… guess. Random selection based on pictures in a catalog or based on an arbitrary budget and no objective criteria seem to be the drivers behind choosing standard chairs at most workplaces.

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