Worksite International Blog

Ergonomic Evaluations

Mystery Solved: The Ergonomic Evaluation Request is Your Best Leading Indicator

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on March 13, 2024

Is your Ergonomic Evaluation Process a Mystery to Employees?

It shouldn't be, but in many organizations it is. Knowing how to request an evaluation is often a mystery.

Relying on an ergo-hotline phone call, an email to the supervisor, or word of mouth are insufficient and ineffective to encourage engagement in your ergonomics process. These methods fall short in driving engagement with your ergonomics process, often slipping under the radar or being disregarded.  Nor does it allow you to capture vital information about why employees need an ergonomic assessment.

Solve the mystery by using a simple gateway form

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Three (3) Essential Communication Tools Every Ergonomics Process Needs

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on February 14, 2024

Small to mid-size enterprises (SME) typically take a transactional approach to using the science of ergonomics.

Transactional ergonomics is used as a one-time solution to impact one or more employees for a particular reason, such as using an assessment for onboarding, workstation setup, and injury prevention. Or utilizing it reactively as part of a workers’ compensation management strategy.

The challenge with a transactional approach is it is not always a transparent process shared throughout the organization as a strategy available to all employees. How do your employees access your ergonomics evaluation process?

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Ergonomics Credentials are Like Alphabet Soup

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on September 6, 2022

Ergonomics Credentials are Like Alphabet Soup

These days ergonomic credentials are like a bowl of alphabet soup leading to lots of confusion for buyers of ergonomics services and those seeking to uplevel their career with ergonomics. There are many credentials available in the ergonomics training marketplace. Understanding the various ergonomics credentials helps to understand the education, training, and experiences impacting the quality of service provided, the fees charged and the results the buyer or employer will achieve. 

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The Employee's Ergonomics Journey

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on May 2, 2022

What does your employee's ergonomics journey look like?

Every organization who has an ergonomics program that offers ergonomics evaluations creates a journey for its employees. What does your employee ergonomics journey look like? 

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Proactive Office Ergonomics: An Online Training Case Study

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on February 6, 2020

Businesses tend to be reactive when it comes to employee health and safety, mostly because they don’t budget for prevention. Employers typically wait to act until after a workers’ compensation claim occurs. By then, it is too late! Not only did the employer miss the early warning signs and an opportunity to prevent the injury, now the financial implications are real. In California, the average cost of a typical seated work injury is at least $40,000 per case, according to the California Division of Workers’ Compensation.

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20 Questions to Prepare Your In-House Ergonomic Evaluator(s) for Success

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on December 16, 2019

Every employer has employees exposed to ergonomic risk factors in the workplace. Whether it is repetitive motion, awkward postures or forceful exertion, all employees face these primary risk factors. These are the most common precursors to a work injury.

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5 Steps to Setting Up an Ergonomic Workstation [Infographic]

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on October 31, 2019

Help any employee who uses a computer with these 5 simple steps to set up an office ergonomic workstation. The steps are easy. Start first with establishing neutral posture in the chair with your feet on the floor or footrest. Then progress to keyboard and mouse placement (keyboard tray), followed by desk height adjustment as able, then monitor height, and lastly, organize everything else within easy reach.

Good ergonomics takes practice. Whether sitting or standing, follow the five steps every day to make them a habit! Print out the infographic below and tack it to your cubical panel or somewhere convenient where everyone can see it.

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How to Review an Ergonomic Evaluation Report with Your Employee

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on August 15, 2018

Everyone has a role and responsibilities when it comes to ergonomics in the workplace. To keep your process transparent, I’ve outlined my recommended procedure for supervisors and employees to follow when reviewing ergonomic evaluation reports. Supervisors should be familiar with ergonomic principles, attend Introduction to Office Ergonomics training, and understand company ergonomics process policies before reviewing the report with their employees.

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Benefits of Reviewing Ergonomic Evaluation Reports with Your Employees

Posted by Alison Heller-Ono on July 31, 2018

Where does your company stand when it comes to transparency in sharing your individual ergonomic evaluation reports with employees? Are you transparent in your process or are you keeping the results to yourself? If you aren’t sharing the results of your ergonomic assessments with your employees, what are your concerns? You just might be missing a golden opportunity and here’s why!

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